Publications 2013
Peer Reviewed Articles
Caulfield, T. [...], Joly, Y. et al., “Reflections on the Cost of ‘Low-Cost’ Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate” 11:11 (2013) PLos Biology 1-6.
Cook, C., [...] Joly, Y., “A comparison of the regulatory frameworks governing microbial testing of drinking water in three Canadian provinces” 38:3 (2013) Canadian Water Resources Journal 185-195.
So, D., Joly, Y., “Commercial opportunities and ethical pitfalls in personalized medicine: a myriad of reasons to revisit the Myriad Genetics saga” 11:2 (2013) Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 98-109.
Caulfield, T., Chandrasekharan, S., Joly, Y., Cook-Deegan, B., “Harm, hype and evidence: ELSI research and policy guidance” 5:3 (2013) Genome Medicine, 1-6.
Joly, Y., Ngueng-Feze, I., Simard, J., “Genetic Discrimination and Life Insurance: A Systematic Review of the Evidence” 11:25 (2013) BMC Medicine 1-15.
Allen, C., Joly, Y., Granado, P., “Data sharing, Biobanks and Informed Consent; A Research Paradox?” 7:1 (2013) McGill Health Law Journal 85-120.
Book Chapters
Ozdemir, V., Joly, Y., Kirby, E., Avard, D., Knoppers, BM., “Beyond ELSIs - Where to From Here? From ‘Regulators’ to Anticipating and Shaping the Innovation Trajectory in Personalized Medicine” dans Lam Y.W. et CAVALLARI, L. (eds), Pharmacogenomics: Challenges and Opportunities in Therapeutic Implementation Elsevier, 2013, 371-401.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Ethics and Genetics” dans MALOY, Stanley et HUGHES, Kelly (eds), Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2ième Édition, Vol. 2, Elsevier : Oxford, 2013, 528-530.
Joly, Y., Avard, D., “Pharmacogenomics: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues” dans Vizirianakis, I.S. (ed.), Handbook of Personalized Medicine: Advances in Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery and Therapy, Singapore : Pan Stanford Publishing 2013, 813-844.