
Title: High Performance Computing for Health (HPC4Health)
Funding Source:
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Program Name: CFI Infrastructure
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: Guillaume Bourque
Total Funding: $228,132 CAD
Portion Received: $132,300 CAD
Support Period: April 2022 to March 2025

Title: CanDIG: Distributed infrastructure for genomics data sharing and analysis – Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF)
Funding Source:
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Program Name: Cyberinfrastructure Initiative
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: Michael Brudno
Total Funding:  $1,490,000 CAD
Portion Received: $15,469 CAD
Support Period: April 2021 to March 2025

Title: Intelligence Artificielle Et Santé Numérique
Funding Source:
Fonds de recherche Santé Québec (FRQS)
Program Name: Personnel Hautement Qualifié (PHQ)
Funding Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Applicant: David Buckeridge
Total Funding: $1,350,000 CAD
Portion Received: $78,000 CAD
Support Period: January 2022 to December 2024

Title: The Quebec SmartCare Consortium
Funding Source:
Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (QC)
Program Name: N/A
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: John Kildea
Total Funding: $12,825,485 CAD
Portion Received: $350,000 CAD
Support Period: July 2021 to June 2024

Title: International Best Practices for Genomic Data Sharing
Funding Source:
Program Name: Contract
Funding Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Applicant: Bartha Maria Knoppers
Total Funding: $480,000 CAD
Portion Received: $160,000 CAD
Support Period: July 2021 to June 2024

Title: GA4GH Genomic Data Sharing Tools Against COVID-19
Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Program Name: N/A
Principal Applicant: Yann Joly
Total Funding: $50,000 CAD
Support Period: May 2022 to March 2024

Title: Personalized risk assessment for prevention and early detection of breast cancer: Integration and Implementation
Funding Source: Genome Canada
Program Name: Large-Scale Applied Research Project
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: Jacques Simard
Total Funding: $15,500,000 CAD
Portion Received: $470,000 CAD
Support Period: April 2018 to March 2024

Title: Multidimensional Epigenomics Mapping Centre (EMC) at McGill
Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Program Name: Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: Mark Lathrop; Michael J Meaney; Tomi Pastinen
Total Funding: $5,985,000 CAD
Portion Received: $318,750 CAD
Support Period: February 2017 to January 2024

Title: OncoDrive
Funding Source: RI-MUHC
Funding Role: Co-Applicant
Principal Applicant: Patricia Tonin
Portion Received: $30,000 CAD
Support Period: July 2021 to June 2023

Title: La psilocybine pour soulager la détresse existentielle en fin de vie: Audace, acceptabilité et accès
Funding Source:
Fonds de la recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)
Program Name: Audace
Funding Role: Co-investigator
Principal Applicant: Michel Dorval
Total Funding: $127,000 CAD
Support Period: April 2022 to March 2023

Title: The 2022 Genetic Discrimination Observatory Conference
Funding Source: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Program Name: Individual Connection Grants
Principal Applicant: Yann Joly
Total Funding: $21,850 CAD
Support Period: March 2022 to March 2023

Title: Can-SHARE Connect: Supporting the Regulatory and Ethics Work Stream of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH)
Funding Source:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Genome Québec
Program Name: Operating Grant: Sharing Big Data for Health Innovation
Principal Applicant: Yann Joly
Total Funding: $173,551 CAD
Support Period: January 2022 to March 2023

Title: Toward effective health communication with intersex Canadians: a study of ethical and legal challenges
Funding Source:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Program Name: Insight Grants
Principal Applicant: Yann Joly
Total Funding: $160,393 CAD
Support Period: March 2018 to March 2023

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 25 juillet 2024 à 14 h 13 min.