Trésor Noubissi J., Bourassa Forcier M. et Joly Y., La responsabilité sociale des entreprises pharmaceutiques : quelle vision de l’industrie? Panorama de droit pharmaceutique (2024) (submitted)
Zieger M, Joly Y, D’Amato ME, “On the ethics of informed consent in genetic data collected before 1997” 627:8003 (2024) Nature, 271
Walker MJ, Blackmore KM, […] Joly Y, et al. “Implementing Multifactorial Risk Assessment with Polygenic Risk Scores for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening in the Population Setting: Challenges and Opportunities” 16(11):2116 (2024) Cancers.
Uberoi D, Palmour N, Joly Y, “The advent of forensic DNA databases: It’s time to agree on some international governance principles!” 72:103095 (2024) Forensic Science International: Genetics, 1-4.
Rothstein MA, Zimmerer KC, Andanda P, […] Joly Y, et al. “International scope of biomedical research ethics review” 385:6705 (2024) Science, 145-147.
Lougheed DR, Liu H, Aracena KA, Grégoire R, Pacis A, Pastinen T, Barreiro LB, Joly Y, Bujold D, Bourque G. "EpiVar Browser: advanced exploration of epigenomics data under controlled access" 40:3 (2024) Bioinformatics, 1-4.
Sato M, Muto K, Momozawa Y, Joly Y, “(Not So) Lost in Translation: Considering the GA4GH Diversity in Datasets Policy in the Japanese Context” (2024) Asian Bioethics Review, 1-14.
So D, Sladek R and Joly Y, “Modular Ontologies for Genetically Modified People and their Bioethical Implications” 18:9 (2024) Nanoethics, 1-35.
Atayan AB, Huerne K, Palmour N and Joly Y, “Towards equity & inclusion: a critical examination of genetic Counselling Education on Intersex Healthcare” 24:942 (2024) BMC Medical Education, 1-9.
Raven-Adams M, Hernandez-Boussard T, Joly Y, et al. “Defining and Pursuing Diversity in Human Genetic Studies” (2024) Nature Genetics, 1-4.
Horowitz K, Zayhowski K, Palmour N, Haghighat D, Joly Y, "Navigating the disclosure landscape: Parents' perspectives on healthcare professionals' role in supporting intersex children and families" (2024) Journal of Genetic Counseling, 1-14.
Joly Y, Knoppers BM, Godard B, “Genetic Information and Life Insurance: a ‘Real’ Risk?” 11:8 (2003) European Journal of Human Genetics, 561-564.
Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “Pharmacogenomic Data Sample Collection and Storage: Ethical Issues and Policy Approaches” 7:2 (2006) Pharmacogenomics, 219-226.
Knoppers BM, Joly Y, Simard J, Durocher F, “The Emergence of an Ethical Duty to Disclose Genetic Research Results: international perspectives” 14:11 (2006) European Journal of Human Genetics, 1170-1178.
Joly Y, Schorno D, “Le brevet : valet ou maître du droit à la santé?” 19:2 (2006) Revue québécoise de droit international, 65-94.
Simard J, Dumont M, Moisan A-M, et al. (including Joly Y), “Evaluation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation prevalence, risk prediction models and a multistep testing approach in French-Canadian families with high risk of breast and ovarian cancer” 44:2 (2007) Journal of Medical Genetics, 107-121.
Joly Y, Sillon G, Silverstein T, Krajinovic M, Avard D, “Pharmacogenomics: Don’t Forget the Children” 6:2 (2008) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 77-84.
Hemmer M, Joly Y, Glebov L, Bass M, Richardon M, “Volume Bragg Grating assisted broadband tunability and spectral narrowing of Ti: Sapphire oscillators” 17:10 (2009) Optics Express, 8212-8219.
Joly Y, “La biotechnologie ouverte : Bilan de la rencontre de deux révolutions” 25 :11 (2009) Médecine Science, 957-962 (edited and updated yearly).
Madadi P, Joly Y, Avard D, Chitayat DC, Smith MA, D Ross CJ, Carleton BC, Hayden MR, Koren G, “The communication of pharmacogenetic research results: Participants weigh in on their informational needs in a pilot study” 18:1 (2011) Canadian Journal of Population Therapeutics, e152-e155.
Kamal SM, Warnich L, Ferguson LR, Srivastava S, Ray S, Avard D, Joly Y, Le Huynh M, Page M, Masellis M, Dove ES, Gurwitz D, Özdemir V, “Forward Look: Tenth Anniversary of the Human Genome Sequence and 21st Century Postgenomics Global Health — A Close Up on Africa and Women's Health” 9:3 (2011) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 148-155.
Zawati MH, Hendy M, Joly Y, “Incidental Findings in Data-Intensive Postgenomics Science and Legal Liability of Clinician-Researchers: Ready for Vaccinomics?” 15:9 (2011) OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 615-624.
Caulfield T, Harmon SHE, Joly Y, “Open Science versus Commercialization: A Modern Research Conflict?” 4:17 (2012) Genome Medicine, 1-11.
Joly Y, Dove ES, Kennedy KL, Bobrow M, Ouellette BFF, Dyke SOM, Kato K, Knoppers BM, “Open Science and Community Norms: Data Retention and Publication Moratoria Policies in Genomics Projects” 12:2 (2012) Medical Law International, 92-120
Dove ES, Özdemir V, Joly Y, “Harnessing Omics Sciences, Population Databases, and Open Innovation Models for Theranostics—Guided Drug Discovery and Development” 73:7 (2012) Drug Development Research, 439-446.
Caulfield T, Evans J, McGuire A, McCabe C, Bubela T, Cook-Deegan R, Fishman J, Hogarth S, Miller FA, Ravitsky V, Biesecker B, Borry P, Cho MK, Carroll JC, Etchegary H, Joly Y, Kato K, Lee SS, Rothenberg K, Sankar P, Szego MJ, Ossorio P, Pullman D, Rousseau F, Ungar WJ, Wilson B, “Reflections on the Cost of ‘Low-Cost’ Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate” 11:11 (2013) PLoS Biology, 1-6
Milius D, Dove ES, Chalmers D, Dyke SOM, Kato K, Nicolás P, Ouellette BF, Ozenberger B, Rodriguez LL, Zeps N, Joly Y, “The International Cancer Genome Consortium’s evolving data protection policies” 32:6 (2014) Nature Biotechnology, 519-523.
Ragoussis V, Ngueng Feze I, Joly Y, “Sharing Genetic Information Online: An Exploration of GINA’s 2.0 Frontier” 14:11 (2014) The American Journal of Bioethics, 53-55.
Joly Y, “Au gré des vents et marées, l’évolution de l’éthique de la recherche au Québec” 53 (2014) Revue générale de droit médical, 31-33.
Joly Y, “Médecine personnalisée: Quels sont les véritables enjeux éthiques?” 2:3 (2015) Droit, Santé et Société, 35-39.
Stoddart J, Chan B, Joly Y, “The European Union’s Adequacy Approach to Privacy and International Data Sharing in Health Research” 44:1 (2016) Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 143-155.
Bertier G, Zhang JC, Ragoussis V, Joly Y, “Integrating Precision Cancer Medicine into healthcare – policy, practice and research challenges” 8:108 (2016) Genome Medicine, 1-12.
Capps B.; Chadwick R.; Joly Y. et al. “Falling Giants and the Rise of Gene Editing: Ethics, Private Interests and the Public Good” 11:20 (2017) Human Genomics, 1-10.
Gonthier C, Pelletier S, Gagnon P, Marin A, Chiquette J, Gagnon B, Roy L, Cléophat J. E, Joly Y, & Dorval M, “Issues related to family history of cancer at the end of life: a palliative care providers' survey”, 17:2(2018) Familial cancer, 303–307.
Bouthillier D, Zawati MH, Joly Y, “Personalised medicine-introduction to the technology” 1:1 (2019) LexisNexis, Lexis PSL.
Joly, Yann, et al. "Establishing the International genetic discrimination Observatory." 52:5 (2020) Nature Genetics, 466-468.
Dalpé G, Pinkesz M, Oliviero E, Tolymbek M, Joly Y, “Genetic discrimination views in online discussion forums: Perspectives from Canadian forumites” (2021) Journal of Genetic Counselling, 1-16.
Dalpé G, Pinkesz M, Marrocco G, Joly Y, “Les enjeux québécois de la discrimination génétique : L’expérience d’un forum en ligne” 15 :1-2 (2021) Les Ateliers de l’Éthique/The Ethics Forum, 4-38.
Joly Y, Gallois H, Dalpé G, Knoppers BM, Turp D, “Erreur en droit relative et en fait: le Renvoi relatif à la Loi sur la non-discrimination génétique” 26:1 (2021) Lex Electronica, 1-32.
Knoppers T, Beauchamp E, Dewar K, Kimmins S, Bourque G, Joly Y Dupras C, “The omics of our lives: practices and policies of direct-to-consumer epigenetic and microbiomic testing companies” 40:4 (2021) New Genetics and Society, 541-569.
Saulnier K, […] Joly Y, "Harnessing Law and Policy for the Protection of Intersex Individuals: Facing up to Lacunae in Canadian Legal Frameworks Against Sex and Gender Discrimination", 15:2 (2023) McGill Journal of Law and Health, CanLIIDocs 2842, 206-258
Lapointe J, Côté JM, Mbuya-Bienge C, Dorval M, Pashayan N, Chiquette J, Eloy L, Turgeon A, Lambert-Côté L, Brooks JD, et al. “Canadian Healthcare Professionals’ Views and Attitudes toward Risk-Stratified Breast Cancer Screening” 13(7):1027 (2023) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 1-13.
Walker MJ, Blackmore KM, […] Joly Y, et al. “Implementing multi-factorial risk assessment with polygenic risk scores for personalized breast cancer screening in the population setting: challenges and opportunities” 16(11):2116 (2024) Cancers,
Kaiser B, Uberoi D, […] Joly Y, et al. “A proposal for an inclusive working definition of genetic discrimination to promote a more coherent debate” (2024) Nature Genetics,
Ma Y, Achiche S, Pomey MP, Paquette J, Adjtoutah N, Vicente S, Engler K, Patient Expert Committee Mc, Laymouna M, Lessard D, Lemire B, Asselah J, Therrien R, Osmanlliu E, Zawati MH, Joly Y, Lebouché B, “Adapting and Evaluating an AI-Based Chatbot Through Patient and Stakeholder Engagement to Provide Information for Different Health Conditions: Master Protocol for an Adaptive Platform Trial (the MARVIN Chatbots Study)” 13: e54668 (2023) JMIR Research Protocol.
Plourde L, Chang SL, Farzin H, Gagnon P, Hébert J, Foxman R, Deschamps P, Provost F, Masse-Grenier M, Stephan JF, Cheung K, Joly Y, Fallu JS, Dorval M; P3A Study Group. “Social acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential distress at the end of life: A population-based survey’’ 38:2 (2024) Palliative Medicine, 272-278.
M. Zieger, Y. Joly, M. E. D’Amato, “No time limit on genetic ethics” 627:8003 (2024) Nature, 271
Horowitz K, Zayhowski K, Palmour N, Haghighat D, Joly Y, “Enhancing intersex healthcare: A qualitative study of parental perspectives on the role of genetics” (2024) Journal of Genetic Counseling, 1–13.
Fernando A, Kondrup E, Cheung K, Uberoi D, Joly Y, “Still using genetic data? A comparative review of Canadian life insurance application forms before and after the GNDA” (2024) 9, FACETS, 1-10.
Rothstein M, […] Joly Y, et al. “Concordance of International Regulation of Pediatric Health Research” 260:113524 (2023) The Journal of Pediatrics, 1-10.
Knoppers BM, Chase S, Joly Y, Zawati M and Thorogood A, “Responsible Processing and Sharing of Genomic Data: Bringing Health Technologies Industries to the Table”, 23:11(2023) The American Journal of Bioethics, 33-35.
Saulnier K, […], Joly Y, "Harnessing Law and Policy for the Protection of Intersex Individuals: Facing up to Lacunae in Canadian Legal Frameworks Against Sex and Gender Discrimination", 15:2 (2023) McGill Journal of Law and Health, CanLIIDocs 2842, 206-258
D’Amato ME, Joly Y, Lynch V, Machado H, Scudder N, Zieger M, "Ethical considerations for Forensic Genetic Frequency databases: First Report conception and development" 71:103053 (2024) Forensic Science International: Genetics, 1-5.
Dauge A, Joly Y, et al. “General medical practitioners acting as geneticists, a risky business?” 28:1 (2023) Lex Electronica, 152-171
Moreno P.G, Knoppers T, Zawati MH, Lang M, Knoppers B.M, Wolfson M, Nabi H, Dorval M, Simard J. and Joly Y, “Regulating cancer risk prediction: legal considerations and stakeholder perspectives on the Canadian context” (2023) Human Genetics.
Dalpé G, […], Joly Y, “Defusing the legal and ethical minefield of epigenetic applications in the military, defense, and security context” 10:2 (2023) Law and the Biosciences, 1-32.
Huerne K, Jackson SS, Lall R, Palmour N, Berner AM, Dupras C, Joly Y. “Studies in Cancer Epigenetics through a Sex and Gendered Lens: A Comprehensive Scoping Review” 15: 4207 (2023) Cancers.
Greenbaum D, Gurwitz D, Joly Y “Editorial: COVID-19 pandemics: Ethical, legal and social issues” 13:1021865 (2022) Front. Genet, 1-5.
Moreno P.G, […] Joly Y, “D-PATH (Data Privacy Assessment Tool for Health) for biomedical data sharing” 28:1 (2023) Lex Electronica, 129-151.
Dupras, C […], et Joly Y, “Researcher perspectives on ethics considerations in epigenetics: an international survey” 14:110 (2022) Clinical Epigenetics, 1-13.
Joly, Y, Dalpe, G. “Genetic discrimination still casts a large shadow in 2022” (2022) Eur J Hum Genet.
Lapointe J, […], Joly Y, et al. “Polygenic Risk Scores and Risk-Stratified Breast Cancer Screening: Familiarity and Perspectives of Health Care Professionals” 24:11 (2022) Genetics in Medicine, 2380-2388.
Charron M, Kaiser B, Dauge A, Gallois H, Lapointe J, Dorval M, Nabi H, Joly Y, “Integrating hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genetic counselling and testing into mainstream clinical practice: Legal and ethical challenges” (2022) Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology, 1-10.
Kallesoe SA, Rabbani T, Gill EE, Brinkman F, Griffiths EJ, Zawati M, Liu H, Palmour N, Joly Y, Hsiao WW, “Canadians’ opinions towards COVID-19 data-sharing: a national cross-sectional survey” 13:2 (2023) BMJ open, 1-13
Murtagh MJ. […] Joly Y., et al. “Engaged genomic science produces better and fairer outcomes: an engagement framework for engaging and involving participants, patients and publics in genomics research and healthcare implementation [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] ” 6:311 (2021) Wellcome Open Res, 1-13.
Saulnier K, Bernier A, Liosi S, Earp B, Berrios C, Dyke SOM, Dupras C, Joly Y, “Studying Vulnerable Populations Through an Epigenetics Lens: Proceed with Caution” 5:1 (2022) Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 68-78.
Charron M, Saulnier K, Palmour N, Gallois H, et Joly Y, “Intersex Stigma and Discrimination: Effects on Patient-Centred Care and Medical Communication” 5:2(2022) Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 1-11.
Huerne K, Palmour N, Wu A, Beck S, Berner A, Siebert R, Joly Y, “Auditing the Editor: A Review of Key Translational Issues in Epigenetic Editing” 5:2 (2022) The CRISPR Journal, 1-10.
Rothstein MA, Zawati MH, Thorogood A, Beauvais MJS, Joly Y, Brothers KB, Lang M, Andanda P, Ho C, Isasi R, Kaye J, Bok Lee W, Nnamuchi O, Saltzman A, Knoppers BM, "Streamlining Ethics Review for International Health Research" 3755:6583 (2022) Science, 825-826.
Puscas M, […] Joly Y, et al. “Rare diseases and space health: optimizing synergies from scientific questions to care” 8:58(2022) npj Microgravity, 1-10.
Arych M, Joly Y, "Genetic Discrimination in Access to Life Insurance: Does Ukrainian Legislation Offer Sufficient Protection against the Adverse Consequences of the Genetic Revolution to Insurance Applicants?" 11:2 (2022) Laws, 1-15.
Thorogood A, Rehm HL, Goodhand P, Page AJH, Joly Y, Baudis M, Rambla J, Navarro A, Nyronen TH, Linden M, Dove ES, Fiume M, Brudno M, Cline MS, Birney E, "International Federation of Genomic Medicine Data bases Using GA4GH Standards" 1:2 (2021) Cell Genomics, 1-5.
Dursi LJ, Bozoky Z, De Borja RJ, Li J, Bujold D, Lipski A, Rashid SF, Sethi A, Memon N, Naidoo D, Coral-Sasso F, Wong M, Quirion PO, Lu Z, Agarwal S, Pavlov K, Ponomarev A, Husic M, Pace K, Palmer SL, Grover SA, Hakgor S, Siu LL, Malkin D, Virtanen C, Pugh TJ, Jacques PE, Joly Y, Jones SJM, Bourque G, Brudno M. ‘‘CanDIG: Federated network across Canada for multi-omic and health data discovery and analysis” 1:2 (2021) Cell Genomics, 1-7.
Noohi F, Ravitsky V, Knoppers BM, Joly Y, “Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy: In Whose Interests?” 50:3(2022) J Law Med Ethics, 597-602.
Song L, Liu H, Brinkman F, Gill E, Griffiths E, Hsiao W, Savić-Kallesøe, Moreira S, Van Domselaar G, Zawati MH, Joly Y, "Addressing Privacy Concerns in Sharing Viral Sequences and Minimum Contextual Metadata in a Public Repository during the COVID-19 Pandemic" 12:716541 (2022) Frontiers in Genetics, 1-10.
Rehm HL, (…) Joly Y, et al. “GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare” 1:2 (2021) Cell Genomics, 1-13.
Stewart K, Boughtwood T, Gleeson P, Dowling G, Prince A, Bombard Y, Joly Y, Delatycki M, Winship IM, Otlowski M, Lacaze P, "A step forward, but still inadequate: Australian health professionals’ views on the genetics and life insurance moratorium" 59:8 (2022) Journal of Medical Genetics, 817-826.
Golinghorst D, De Paor A, Joly Y, Macdonald AS, Otlowski M, Peter R, Prince A, “Anti-selection & Genetic Testing in Insurance: An Interdisciplinary Perspective” 50:1 (2021) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 139-154.
Joly Y, Gallois H, Dalpé G, Knoppers BM, Turp D, "Erreur en droit relative et en fait: le Renvoi relative à la Loi sur la non-discrimination génétique" 26:1 (2021) Lex Electronica, 1-32.
Alarie S, Hagan J, Dalpé G, Faraji S, Mbuya-Bienge C, Nabi H, Pashayan N, Brooks JD, Dorval M, Chiquette J, Eloy L, Turgeon A, Lambert-Côté L, Paquette JS, Walker MJ, Lapointe J, Granados Moreno P, Blackmore K, Wolfson M, Broeders M, The PERSPECTIVE I&I Study Group, Knoppers BM, Chiarelli AM, Simard J, Joly Y, "Risk-Stratified Approach to Breast Cancer Screening in Canada: Women’s Knowledge of the Legislative Context and Concerns about Discrimination from Genetic and Other Predictive Health Data" 11:8 (2021) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 1-15.
Cléophat JE, Dorval M, Haffaf ZE, Chiquette J, Collins S, Malo B, Fradet V, Joly Y, Nabi H, "Whether, when, how, and how much? General public’s and cancer patients’ views about the disclosure of genomic secondary findings" 14:167 (2021) BMC Med Genomics, 1-13.
Kim H, Ho CWL, Ho CH, Athira PS, Kato K, De Castro L, Kang H, Huxtable R, Zwart H, Ives J, Lee I, Joly Y, Kim SY, "Genetic discrimination: introducing the Asian perspective to the debate" 6:24 (2021) NPJ Genomic Medicine, 1-8.
Brooks JD, Nabi HH, Andrulis IL, Antoniou AC, Chiquette J, Després P, Devilee P, Dorval M, Droit A, Easton DF, Eisen A, Eloy L, Fienberg S, Goldgar D, Hahnen E, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, Lofters A, Masson JY, Mittmann N, Paquette JS, Pashayan N, Schmutzler R, Stockley T, Tavtigian SV, Walker MJ, Wolfson M, Chiarelli AM, Simard J, "Personalized Risk Assessment for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Integration and Implementation (PERSPECTIVE I&I)" 11:6 (2021) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 1-18.
Lapointe J, Dorval M, Chiquette J, Joly Y, Guertin JR, Laberge M, Gekas J, Hébert J, Pomey MP, Cruz-Marino T, Touhami O, Blanchet Saint-Pierre A, Gagnon S, Bouchard K, Rhéaume J, Boisvert K, Brousseau C, Castonguay L, Fortier S, Gosselin I, Lachapelle P, Lavoie S, Poirier B, Renaud MC, Ruizmangas MG, Sebastianelli A, Roy S, Côté M, Racine MM, Roy MC, Côté N, Brisson C, Charette N, Faucher V, Leblanc J, Dubeau MÈ, Plante M, Desbiens C, Beaumont M, Simard J, Nabi H, "A Collaborative Model for a Flexible, Accessible and Efficient Oncogenetic Services for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Preliminary Results and Protocol of the C-MOnGene Study" 13:11 (2021) Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, 1-15.
Tremblay K, Rousseau S, Zawati MH, Auld D, Chassé M, Coderre D, Falcone EL, Gauthier N, Grandvaux N, Gros-Louis F, Jabet C, Joly Y, Kaufmann DE, Laprise C, Larochelle C, Maltais F, Mes-Masson AM, Montpetit A, Piché A, Brent Richards J, Man Tse S, Turgeon AF, Turecki G, Vinh DC, Wang HT, Mooser V, on behalf of BQC19, "The Biobanque québécoise de la COVID-19 (BQC19)—A case-control bioresource to prospectively study the clinical and molecular determinants of COVID-19 clinical trajectories" 16:5 (2021) Biopreservation & Biobanking, 1-18.
Faraji S, Joly Y, Liu H, Marrocco G, "Le droit québécois face à la génomique: bon temps pour mettre le pendule à l’heure" 78:1 (2021) Revue Générale de Droit Médical, 93-120.
Capps B, Joly Y, Mulvihil J, Lee WB, and the HUGO Committee on Ethics, Law and Society, and the HUGO Council, "The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic" 15:12 (2021) Human Genomics, 1-3.
Bienge CM, Pashayan N, Brooks JD, Dorval M, et al., (including Hagan J, Dalpé G, Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, Knoppers BM), "Women’s Views on Multifactorial Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Risk-Stratified Screening: A Population-Based Survey from Four Provinces in Canada" 11:2 (2021) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 1-20.
Noohi F, Li M, Joly Y, "Clinical translation of mitochondrial replacement therapy in Canada: A qualitative study of stakeholders’ attitudes" 6:1 (2021) FACET, 449-464.
Joly Y, Huerne K, Arych M, Bombard Y, De Paor A, Dove ES, Granados Moreno P, Ho CWL, Ho CH, Hoyweghen IV, Kim H, Lebret A, Minssen T, Cathaoir KO, Prince AER, Nair APS, Otlowski M, Pepper MS, Sladek R, Song L, Voigt TH, Zawati MH, Dalpé G, on behalf of the Genetic Discrimination Observatory (GDO), "The Genetic Discrimination Observatory: confronting novel issues in genetic discrimination" 37:11 (2021) Trends in Genetics, 951-954.
Dalpé G, Pinkesz, Marrocco G, Joly Y, “Les enjeux québécois de la discrimination génétique: L’expérience d’un forum en ligne” 15:1-2 (2021) Les Ateliers de l’Éthique/The Ethics Forum, 4-38.
Joly Y, Dalpé G, Gallois H, Knoppers BM, Turp D, “Erring in Law and in Fact: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Reference re Genetic Non-Discrimination Act” 99:1 (2021) Canadian Bar Review, 172-192.
So D, Crocker K, Sladek R, & Joly Y, “Science fiction authors’ perspectives on human genetic engineering” 48:3 (2022) Medical Humanities, 285-297
Dalpé G, Pinkesz M, Oliviero E, Tolymbek M, Joly Y, “Genetic Discrimination in Online Discussion for a: a Perspectives from Canadian Forumites” (2021) Journal of Genetic Counselling, 1-16.
So D, Sladek R, Joly Y, “Assessing Public Opinions on the Likelihood and Permissibility of Gene Editing Through Construal Level Theory” (2021) New Genetics and Society.
Nicol D, Joly Y, Kaye J, Knoppers BM, Meslin EM, Nielsen J, Otlowski M, Warner K, "Don Chalmers: His Contributions to Legal Research and Education, Health Law, and Research Ethics, Locally and Globally" 28:1 (2020) Journal of Law and Medicine, 289-297.
Cleophat J, Pelletier S, Déry A, Joly Y, Gagnon P, Marin A, Chiquette J, Gagnon B, Roy L, Bitzas V, Nabi H, Dorval M, “Survey of palliative care providers’ needs, perceived roles, and ethical concerns about addressing cancer family history at the end of life” (2020) Palliative & Supportive Care (Published online).
Song L, Joly Y, “After He Jiankui: Chinese Regulatory Reforms on Biotechnology” (2021) Medical Law International, 1-18.
Dupras C, Joly Y, Rial-Sebbag E, ‘‘Human Rights in the Postgenomic Era: Challenges and Opportunities Arising with Epigenetics’’ 59:1 (2020) Social Science Information, 12-34.
Dupras C, Hagan J, Joly Y, “Overcoming Biases Together: Normative Stakes of Interdisciplinarity in Bioethics” 11:1 (2020) American Journal of Empirical Bioethics (AJOB), 20-23.
Joly Y, Dalpé G, Dupras C, et al. ‘‘Establishing the First International Genetic Discrimination Observatory’’ (2020) Nature Genetics, Published ahead of print.
Dupras C, Beauchamp E, Joly Y, ‘‘Selling direct-to-consumer epigenetic tests: are we ready?’’ (2020) Nature Reviews Genetics.
Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, Roskams-Edris D, “Could Open Be The Yellow Brick Road to Innovation in Genomics in North America?” 13:1 (2020) McGill Journal of Law and Health, 117-180.
Phillips M, Molnár-Gábor F, Korbel JO, Thorogood A, Joly Y, Chalmers D, Townend D, Knoppers BM, “Genomics: data sharing needs an international code of conduct” 578:7793 (2020) Nature, 31-33.
Campbell PJ, Getz G, Korbel JO, et al. (including Joly Y.), The ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Consortium, “Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes” 578:1 (2020) Nature, 82-93.
Joly Y, Dupras C, Pinkesz M, Tovino SA, Rothstein MA, “Looking Beyond GINA: Policy Approaches to Address Genetic Discrimination” 21:2 (2020) Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 2.1-2.17.
Saulnier K, Gallois H, Joly Y, "Prenatal Genetic Testing for Intersex Conditions
in Canada" 43:4 (2021) Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 369-
Knoppers BM, Beauvais MJS, Joly Y, Zawati MH, "Modelling Consent in the Time of COVID-19" (2020) Journal of Law and the Biosciences (Accepted).
Dupras C, Beck S, Rothstein MA, Berner A, Saulnier KM, Pinkesz M, Prince AER, Liosi S, Song L, Joly Y, ‘’Potential (mis)use of epigenetic age estimators by private companies and public agencies: human rights law should provide ethical guidance’’ 5:3 (2019) Environmental Epigenetics, 1-12.
Cléophat JE, Marin A, Pelletier S, Joly Y, Gagnon P, Déry A, Chiquette J, Gagnon B, Roy L, Bitzas V, Nabi H, Dorval M, "What do cancer patients' relatives think about addressing cancer family history and performing genetic testing in palliative care?" 28:2 (2019) European Journal of Human Genetics, 213-221.
Rothstein M, Zawati MH, Beskow LM, Brelsford K, Brothers K, Hammack C, Hazel J, Joly Y, Lang M, Patrinos D, Saltzman A, Knoppers BM, ‘’Legal and Ethical Challenges of International Direct-to-Participant Genomic Research: Conclusions and Recommendations’’ 47:4 (2019) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 705-731.
Issa AM, Thorogood A, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “Accelerating evidence gathering and approval of precision medicine therapies: the FDA takes aim at rare mutations” (2019) 21:3 Genetics in Medicine, 542-544.
Ngueng Feze I, Marrocco G, Pinkesz M, Lacey J, Joly Y, “Flying under the radar: Two decades of DNA testing at IRCC” 17:1 (2019) Journal of Law and Technology 226-275.
Joly Y, Dalpé G, Pinkesz M, “Is Genetic Discrimination Back on the Radar? A Commentary on the Recent Court of Appeal Reference Decision on the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (GNDA)” (2019) 2:2 Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 94-96.
Hetu M, Koutouki K, Joly Y, ‘’ Genomics for All: International Open Science Genomics Projects and Capacity Building in the Developing World’’ (2019) 10:95 Frontiers in Genetics 1-9.
Joly Y., Marrocco G., Dupras C., ‘‘Risks of compulsory genetic databases’’ (2019) 363:6430 Science 938-940.
Capps B, Chadwick , Joly Y, et al., “Statement on Bioinformatics and Capturing the Benefits of Genome Sequencing for Society” 13:24 (2019) Human Genomics, 1-6.
Cleophat JE, Pelletier S, Joly Y, et al., “Addressing cancer family history at the end of life: How frequent, relevant, and feasible is it? A survey of palliative care providers” 33:7 (2019) Palliative Medicine, 856-858.
Granados Moreno P, Ali-Khan SE, Capps B, Caulfield T, Chalaud D, Edwards A, Gold ER, Rahimzadeh V, Thorogood A, Auld D, Bertier G, Breden F, Caron R, César PMDG, Cook-Deegan R, Doerr M, Duncan R, Issa AM, Reichman J, Simard J, So D, Vanamala S, and Joly Y, ‘’Open Science Precision Medicine in Canada: Points to Consider’’ (2019) 4 FACETS 1-19.
Dupras C, Saulnier KM, Joly Y, ‘’Epigenetics, ethics, law and society: A multidisciplinary review of descriptive, instrumental, dialectical and reflexive analyses’’, 49:5 (2019) Social Studies of Science, 785-810.
Song L, and Joly Y, "Revisit genetic discrimination: ELSI considerations", (2018) Journal of Science-Technology and Law, (4), ISSN1003-9945 Chinese: 宋凌巧、Yann Joly. 重新审视“基因歧视”:关于伦理 、法律、社会问题的思考 [J]. 法律与科技, (4), ISSN1003-9945.
Knoppers BM, Joly Y, "Introduction: the why and whither of genomic data sharing", 137:8 (2018) Human Genetics, 569-574.
Kim H, Yoon Kim S, Joly Y, "South Korea: in the midst of a privacy reform centered on data sharing", 137:8 (2018) Human Genetics, 627-635.
Issa AM, Thorogood A, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, "FDA Tinkering with Evidentiary Standards for Precision Medicine: A New Era for Clinical Research and Regulation?" (2018) Genetics in Medicine (Accepted for publication).
Bertier G, Cambon-Thomsen A, Joly Y, ‘‘Is it research or is it clinical? Revisiting an old frontier through the lens of Next-Generation Sequencing technologies’’ (2018) European Journal of Medical Genetics, 1-8.
Ngueng Feze I, [...] Joly Y, “For the Safety of Fresh Produce: Regulatory Considerations for Canada on the Use of Whole Genome Sequencing to Subtype Salmonella’’ 2:21 (2018) Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 1-11.
Dupras C, Song L, Saulnier KM, Joly Y, "Epigenetic Discrimination: Emerging Applications of Epigenetics Pointing to the Limitations of Policies Against Genetic Discrimination" (2018) 9 Frontiers in Genetics 1-6.
Bertier G, Joly Y, "Clinical exome sequencing in France and Quebec: what are the challenges? What does the future hold?" 14:17 (2018) Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 1-19.
Saulnier K, Dyke S, Joly Y, "Benefits and Barriers of Design, Implementation, and Compliance in the International Harmonization of Data Access Agreements" 6:297 (2019) Scientific Data 1-6.
Capps B, Mulvihill JJ, Joly Y, Lysaght T, & The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Committee on Ethics, Law, and Society (CELS), “The View of CRISPR Patents Through the Lens of Solidarity and the Public Good”, 18:12 (2018) The American Journal of Bioethics, 54-56.
Dalpé G, Ngueng Feze I, Salman S, Joly Y, et al. "Breast Cancer Risk Estimation and Personal Insurance: A Qualitative Study Presenting Perspectives from Canadian Patients and Decision Makers" 8(128) (2017) Frontiers in Genetics, 1-13.
Phillips M, Molnár-Gábor F, Korbel JO, Thorogood A, Joly Y, Chalmers D, Townend D, Knoppers BM ‘‘Of Clouds and Genomic Data Protection" (2019) Nature (Submitted).
Windschwendter M, et al. (including Joly Y) "Epigenome-based cancer risk prediction: rationale, opportunities and challenges" 1:15 (2018) Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 292-309.
Derek So, Erika Kleiderman, Seydina Touré, Yann Joly, "Disease Resistance and the Definition of Genetic Enhancement" 8:40 (2017) Frontiers in Genetics, 1-6.
Ngueng Feze I, Joly Y, "The Use of DNA Testing in the Context of Family Reunification in Canada" Canadian Bar Review (Submitted).
Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, Ngueng-Feze I, ‘’Does the End Justify the Means? A Comparative Study of the Use of DNA Testing in the Context of Family Reunification‘’ Journal of Law and the Biosciences (Accepted for publication).
Martin Hétu, Yann Joly, Konstantia Koutouki, ‘‘Measuring the Performance of International Genomic Research Projects in Fostering Genomic Capacity in the Developing World’’ New Genetics and Society (Accepted for publication).
Saulnier KM, Cinà M, Chan B, Pelletier S, Dorval M, Joly Y "Communication of genetic information in the palliative care context: Ethical and legal issues" (2018) Medical Law International, 1-22.
Ida Ngueng Feze, Jacqueline Lacey, and Yann Joly, "When Blood Matters More: The Geneticization of the Family in Canadian Immigration Law and Policies" (2017) Canadian Bar Review (Submitted).
Joly Y, Song L, Ngueng Feze I, Knoppers BM, "Comparative Approaches to Genetic Discrimination: Chasing Shadows?" 33:5 (2017) Trends in Genetics, 299-302.
Mulvihill JJ, et al. (including Joly Y), “Ethical issues of CRISPR Technology and Gene Editing Through the Lens of Solidarity” 122:1 (2017) British Medical Bulletin, 17-29.
Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “Public-private partnerships in cloud-computing services in the context of genomic research” Frontiers in Medicine 4:3 (2017) 1-16.
Dalpé G, et al. […]Joly Y), “The Gatekeeping Function in Personalized Medicine Initiatives” 15:2 (2017)Current Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Medicine, 1-12 .
Granados Moreno, P., Joly, Y., "Consent Practices in International Biobanking and Genomic Databases: Is Broad Consent an Option?" European Journal of Health Law.
Stoddart, J., Chan, B., Joly, Y., "The European Union's Adequacy Approach to Privacy and International Data Sharing in Health Research" Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics.
Joly Y, Dyke SOM, Knoppers BM, Pastinen T, “Are Data Sharing and Privacy Protection Mutually Exclusive?” 167:5 (2016) Cell, 1150-1154.
Stunnenberg HG, The International Human Epigenome Consortium (including Joly Y), Hirst M, “The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A Blueprint for Scientific Collaboration and Discovery” 167:5 (2016) Cell, 1145-1149.
Saulnier K, Joly Y, “Locating Biobanks in the Canadian Privacy Maze” 44:1 (2016) Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 7-19.
Bertier G, Zhang JC, Ragoussis V, Joly Y, “Integrating Precision Cancer Medicine into healthcare – policy, practice and research challenges” 8:108 (2016) Genome Medicine, 1-12.
Jean-Guillaume Emond-Rheault, [,,,] Joly Y. et al. ‘’A Syst-OMICS Approach to Ensuring Food Safety and Reducing the Economic Burden of Salmonellosis’’ 1:8 (2017) Frontiers in Microbiology, 1-8.
Dyke SOM, Saulnier K, Pastinen T, Bourque G, Joly Y, “Evolving Data Access Policy: the Canadian Context” 1 (2016) FACETS, 138-147.
Murdoch B, Ravitsky V, Ogbogu U, Ali-Khan S, Bertier G, Birko S, Bubela T, De Beer J, Dupras C, Ellis M, Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, Kamenova K, Master Z, Marcon A, Paulden M, Rousseau F, Caulfield T, “Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and the Unveiling of an Impaired Translation Process” (2016) Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.jogc.
Bertier G, Hétu M, Joly Y, “Unsolved challenges of clinical whole-exome sequencing: A systematic literature review of end-users' views” 9:52 (2016) BMC Medical Genomics, 1-12.
Saulnier K, So D, Joly Y, “Teaching to the Test” 3:2 (2016) Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 373-376.
Salman S, Ngueng Feze I, Joly Y, “Disclosure of Insurability Risks in Research and Clinical Consent Forms” 27:1 (2016) Journal of Global Bioethics, 38-49.
Joly Y, Salman S, Ngueng Feze I, Granados Moreno P, Stanton-Jean M, Lacey J, Labelle M, Dench J, Dove ES, Atak I, Bellefleur C, Heinemann T, Langlais H, Love R, "DNA Testing for Family Reunification in Canada: Points to Consider" (2016) Journal of International Migration and Integration Advance online publication, 1-14, DOI:10.1007/s12134-016-0496-7.
Joly Y, et al. “Analysis of five years of controlled access and data sharing compliance at the International Cancer Genome Consortium” 48:3 (2016) Nature Genetics, 224-225.
Joly, Y. et al., "A flexible tool to facilitate the review of quality assurance activities undertaken in the context of biomedical research on humans" European Journal of Human Genetics.
Ngueng Feze, I., Prystajecky, N., [...] Joly, Y., “The regulation of novel water quality assessment biotechnologies: Is Canada ready to ride the next wave?” 26:3 (2014) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 201-248.
Thorogood, A., Joly, Y., et al., “An Implementation Framework for the Feedback of Individual Research Results and Incidental Findings in Research”15:88 (2014) BioMed Central Medical Ethics 1-13.
Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, “Informed consent in international normative texts and biobanking policies seeking the boundaries of broad consent” 15:4 (2016) Medical Law International, 216-245.
Bertier, G., Zawati, M.H., Joly, Y., “The Role of Whole Genome and Whole Exome Sequencing in Preventive Genomic Sequencing Programs” 15:7 (2015) American Journal of Bioethics 22-24.
Dyke, Stephanie O.M., Cheung, W.A., Joly, Y., et al., “Epigenome data release: a participant-centered approach to privacy protection” 16:142 (2015) doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0723-0 Genome Biology 1-12.
Salman, S., Ngueng-Feze, S., Joly, Y., “Divulgation de l’information génétique en assurances” 93:2 (2015) The Canadian Bar Review 501-536.
Shabani, M., Dyke, S.O.M., Joly, Y., Borry, P., "Controlled access under review: improving the functioning of Data Access Committees" PLOS Biology.
Dove ES, Thorogood A, Joly Y, Simkevitz H, Phillips M, "Protecting the Privacy of Canadians' Health Information in the Cloud" 14 (2016) Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 173-213.
Joly, Y., So, D., Saulnier, K., Dyke, S.O.M., "Epigenetics ELSI: Darker than you Think?" Trends in Genetics.
Joly, Y., et al., "Five Years of Controlled Access at ICGC: Building a Key to the Data Sharing Highway" Nature Genetics.
Chen, H., Chan, B., Joly, Y., "Privacy and Biobanking in China: A Case of Policy in Transition" Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics.
Joly, Y., Dalpé, G., So, D., Birko, S., “Fair Shares and Sharing Fairly: A survey of Public Views on Open Science, Informed Consent and Participatory Research in Biobanking” 10:7 (2015) PLOS ONE e)129893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129893 1-20.
Lane, M., Ngueng Feze, I., Joly, Y., “Genetics and Personal Insurance: the Perspectives of Canadian Cancer Genetic Counselors” 24:6 (2015) Journal of GeneticCounseling 1022-1036.
Joly, Y., Dyke, S.O.M., Cheung, W.A., Rothstein, M.A., Pastinen, T., “Risk of re-identification of epigenetic methylation data: a more nuanced response is needed” 7:1 (2015) Clinical Epigenetics 1-3.
Joly, Y., Knoppers B., « Médecine Personnalisée : Équité et Accès » 30 :2 (2014) Médecine/ Sciences 27-31.
Caulfield, T., Burningham, S., Joly, Y., […] Isasi, R., […] Knoppers, B.M., et al., “A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks” 1:1 (2014) Journal of Law and the Biosciences 94-110.
Joly, Y., « Au gré des vents et marées, l’évolution de l’éthique de la recherche au Québec » 53 (2014) Revue générale de droit médical 31-33.
Ragoussis, V., Ngueng Feze, I., & Joly, Y., “Sharing Genetic Information Online: An Exploration of GINA’s 2.0 Frontier” 14:11 (2014) The American Journal of Bioethics 53-55.
Joly, Y., Saulnier K.M., Osien, G., Knoppers, B.M., “The ethical framing of personalized medicine” 14:5 (2014) Current Opinion in Allergy & Clinical Immunology 404-408
Dove, E.S., Joly, Y., Tassé, A.-M., Public Population Project in Genomics and Society (P3G) International Steering Committee, International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Ethics and Policy Committee et KNOPPERS, B.M., “Genomic cloud computing: legal and ethical points to consider” (2014) European Journal of Human Genetics doi:10.1038/ejhg.2014.196 (publication en ligne) 1-8.
Dalpé, G. et Joly, Y., “Opportunities and Challenges Provided by Cloud Repositories for Bioinformatics-Enabled Drug Discovery” 75:6 (2014) Drug Development Research 393-401.
Milius, D., [...] Joly Y., “The International Cancer Genome Consortium’s evolving data protection policies” 32:6 Nature Biotechnology 519-523.
Ngueng-Feze, I., Joly, Y., “Can't Always Get What you Want? Try an Indirect Route you Just Might Get What you Need: A Study on Access to Genetic Data by Canadian Life Insurers” 12:1 Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 56-64.
Joly, Y., Tonin, P., “Social, ethical and legal considerations raised by the discovery and patenting of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes” 33:2 (2014) New Genetics and Society 167-180.
Joly, Y. et al., “Life Insurance: Genomic Stratification and Risk Classification” 22:5 (2014) European Journal of Human Genetics 575-579.
Lévesque, M., [...], Joly, Y., “Stem Cell Research Funding Policies and Dynamic Innovation: A Survey of Open Access and Commercialization Requirements” (2014) Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (publication en ligne) 1-17.
Ogbogu, U., [...], Joly, Y., et al., “Policy recommendations for addressing privacy challenges associated with cell-based research and interventions” 15:7 (2014) BMC Medical Ethics 1-7.
So, D., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Clinical Trial Transparency and Orphan Drug Development: Recent Trends in Data Sharing by the Pharmaceutical Industry” 16:6 (2014) Public Health Genomics 322-335.
Moher, E., Nicholls, S., Joly, Y., Little, J., “Genetic discrimination and insurance in Canada: Where are we now” 30:3 (2014) On the Risk, Journal of The Academy of Life Underwriting 46-52.
Caulfield, T. [...], Joly, Y. et al., “Reflections on the Cost of ‘Low-Cost’ Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate” 11:11 (2013) PLos Biology 1-6.
Cook, C., [...] Joly, Y., “A comparison of the regulatory frameworks governing microbial testing of drinking water in three Canadian provinces” 38:3 (2013) Canadian Water Resources Journal 185-195.
So, D., Joly, Y., “Commercial opportunities and ethical pitfalls in personalized medicine: a myriad of reasons to revisit the Myriad Genetics saga” 11:2 (2013) Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 98-109.
Caulfield, T., Chandrasekharan, S., Joly, Y., Cook-Deegan, B., “Harm, hype and evidence: ELSI research and policy guidance” 5:3 (2013) Genome Medicine, 1-6.
Joly, Y., Ngueng-Feze, I., Simard, J., “Genetic Discrimination and Life Insurance: A Systematic Review of the Evidence” 11:25 (2013) BMC Medicine 1-15.
Allen, C., Joly, Y., Granado, P., “Data sharing, Biobanks and Informed Consent; A Research Paradox?” 7:1 (2013) McGill Health Law Journal 85-120.
Joly, Y., et al. “Open Science and Community Norms: Data Retention and Publication Moratoria Policies in Genomics Projects” 12:2 (2012) Medical Law International, 92-120.
Romeo-Casabona, C., Nicolas, P., Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y. et al., “Legal Aspects of Genetic Databases for International Biomedical Research: The Example of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC)” 37 (2012) Law and the Human Genome Review 15-34.
Dove, E.S., Ozdemir, V., Joly, Y., “Harnessing Omics Sciences, Population Databases, and Open Innovation Models for Theranostics‐Guided Drug Discovery and Development” 73:7 (2012) Drug Development Research, 439-446.
Joly, Y., et al., “Data Sharing in the Post-Genomic World: the Experience of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Data Access Compliance Office (DACO)” PLoS Computational Biology 8:7 (2012) PLoS Computational Biology, 1-5.
Dove, E.S., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Power to the People: A Wiki Governance Model for Biobanks” 13 (2012) Genome Biology, 1-8.
Dove, E.S., Joly, Y., “The Contested Futures of Biobanks and Intellectual Property” 11 (2012) Teoria y Derecho, 132-146.
Harmon, S.H.E., Caulfield, T., Joly, Y., “Commercialisation versus Open Science: Making Sense of the Message(s) in the Bottle” 12:1 (2012) Medical Law International, 3-10.
Joly, Y., Allen, C., Knoppers, B.M., “Currents in Contemporary Bioethics. Open Access as Benefit Sharing? The Example of Publicly Funded Large-Scale Genomic Databases” 40:1 (2012) Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 143-146.
Caulfield, T., Harmon, S.H.E., Joly, Y., “Open Science versus Commercialization: A Modern Research Conflict?” 4:2 (2012) Genome Medicine, 1-11.
Ozdemir, V., Joly, Y. [...] Knoppers, B.M., “Are We Asking the Right Ethics Questions on Drug Shortages? Suggestions for a Global and Anticipatory Ethics Framework” 12:1 (2012) The American Journal of Bioethics, 13-15.
Ozdemir, V. […] Joly, Y. et al., “Towards an Ecology of Collective Innovation: Human Variome Project (HVP), Rare Disease Consortium for Autosomal Loci (RaDiCAL) and Data-Enabled Life Sciences Alliance (DELSA)” 9 (2011) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 243-251.
Lévesque, E., Joly, Y., Simard, J., “Return of research results: General principles and international perspectives” 39:4 (2011) Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 583-592.
Dove, E., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Trade-Secret Model: Legal Limitations” 333:6049 (2011) Science, 1575.
Kamal, S.M. […] Joly, Y. et al., “Forward Look: Tenth Anniversary of the Human Genome Sequence and 21st Century Postgenomics Global Health — A Close Up on Africa and Women's Health” 9:3 (2011) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 148-155.
Zawati, M.H., Hendy, M., Joly, Y., “Incidental Findings in Data-Intensive Postgenomics Science and Legal Liability of Clinician-Researchers: Ready for Vaccinomics?” 15:9 (2011) OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 615-624.
Joly, Y. et al., “Diagnostic Testing for Vaccinomics: Is the Regulatory Approval Framework Adequate? A Comparison of Canada, the United States, and Europe” 15:9 (2011) OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. 597-605.
Joly, Y., Zeps, N., Knoppers, B.M., “Genomic Databases Access Agreements: Legal Validity and Possible Sanctions” 130:3 (2011) Human Genetics, 441–449.
Joly, Y., “Personalized Medicine in Developing Countries: A Roadmap to Personalized Innovation” 9:3 (2011) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 156-158.
Pathmasiri, S., Deschênes, M., Joly, Y. […], “Intellectual Property Rights in Publicly Funded Biobanks: Much Ado About Nothing?” 29:4 (2011) Nature Biotechnology, 319-323.
Howard, H.C., Joly, Y., Avard, D., Laplante, N., Phillips, M., Tardif, J.C., “Informed Consent in the Context of Pharmacogenomic Research: Ethical Considerations” 11:3 (2011) The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 155-161.
Madadi, P., Joly, Y. et al., “The communication of pharmacogenetic research results: Participants weigh in on their informational needs in a pilot study” 18:1 (2011) Canadian Journal of Population Therapeutics, e152-e155.
Ozdemir, V., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “ACCE, Pharmacogenomics, and Stopping Clinical Trials: Time to Extend the CONSORT Statement?” 11:3 (2011) The American Journal of Bioethics, 11-13.
Joly, Y. et al., “Regulatory Approval for New Pharmacogenomics Tests: A Comparative Overview” 66:1 (2011) Food and Drug Law Journal, 1-24.
Joly, Y., Braker, M., Le Huynh, M., “Genetic discrimination in private insurance: global perspectives” 29:4 (2010) New Genetics and Society, 351-368.
Joly, Y., Caulfield, T., Knoppers, B.M., Harmsen, E., Pastinen, T., “The Commercialization of Genomic Research in Canada” 6:2 (2010) Healthcare Policy, 24-32.
Madadi, P., Joly, Y., Avard, D., Chitayat, D., [...] Koren, G., “Communicating pharmacogenetic research results to breastfeeding mothers taking codeine: a pilot study of perceptions and benefits” 88:6 (2010) Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 792–795.
Joly, Y., “Clinical Translation of Stem Cell Therapies – Intellectual Property and Anticipatory Governance” 7:2 (2010) SCRIPTed, 265-273.
Joly, Y., “Open Biotechnology: Licenses Needed” 28:5 (2010) Nature Biotechnology, 417-419.
Hudson, T.J., […], Joly, Y. et al., “International Network of Cancer Genome Projects” 464:7291 (2010) Nature, 993-998.
Joly, Y., McClellan, K.A., Knoppers, B.M., “Personalized Vaccines and Public Health Genomics: Anticipating and Monitoring the ELSIs” 8:1 (2010) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 4-6.
Joly, Y., Ramos-Paque, E., “Approval of New Pharmacogenomic Tests: Is the Canadian Regulatory Process Adequate?” 8:2 (2010) Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 215-241.
Joly, Y., “La biotechnologie ouverte: Bilan de la rencontre de deux révolutions” 25 :11 (2009) Médecine Science, 957-961.
Birney, E., […] Joly, Y., et al., “Prepublication Data Sharing” 461:7261 (2009) Nature, 168-170.
Caulfield, T., […] Joly, Y., et al., “The Stem Cell Research Environment: a Patchwork of Patchworks” 5:2 (2009) Stem Cells Reviews and Reports, 82-88.
Hemmer, M. Joly, Y., Glebov, L., Bass, M., Richardson, M., “Volume Bragg Grating assisted broadband tenability and spectral narrowing of TI:Sapphire oscillators” 17:10 (2009) Optics Express, 8212-8219.
Caulfield, T., […] Joly, Y., et al., “International stem cell environments: a world of difference” Nature Reports Stem Cells, April 16th, 2009, doi: 10.1038/stemcells.2009.61 (publication en ligne).
Avard, D., Silverstein, T., Sillon, G., Joly, Y., “Researchers' Perceptions of the Ethical Implications of Pharmacogenomics Research with Children” 27:4 (2009) Public Health Genomics, 843-857.
Sillon, S., Joly, Y., Feldman, S., Avard, D., “An Ethical and Legal Overview of Pharmacogenomics: Perspectives and Issues” 27:4 (2008) Medicine and Law, 843-857.
Avard, D., Joly, Y., “Improved Understanding of Genetic and Genomic Influences on Drug Disposition and Action - Implications for Children” 10:5 (2008) Pediatric Drugs, 275-278.
Joly, Y., Sillon, G., Silverstein, T., Krajinovic, M., Avard, D., “Pharmacogenomics: Don’t Forget the Children” 6:2 (2008) Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 77-84.
Joly, Y., “Francesco Francioni, dir. Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, 2007” 20.1 (2007) Revue Québécoise de droit international, 485-488.
Joly, Y., Pham, C., Schorno, D., Knoppers, B.M., "Down the Rabbit Hole: Technology Transfer in the Field of Stem Cell Research" 47 (2008) Revisit da Faculta de Dereito de Universidade Federal do Parana, 101-109.
Joly, Y., Nycum, G., “Currents in Contemporary Ethics: The Tuberculosis Scare in Retrospect” 35:4 (2007) Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 734-738.
Joly, Y., “Open Source Approaches in Biotechnology: Utopia Revisited” 59:2 (2007) Maine Law Review, 385-405
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., “Our Social Genome” 25:7 (2007) TRENDS in Biotechnology, 284-288.
Joly, Y., Wahnon, F., Knoppers, B.M., "Impact of the Commercialization of Biotechnology Research on the Communication of Research Results: North American Perspective, 8:1 (Spring 2007) Harvard Health Policy Review, 78-84.
Simard, J., […] Joly, Y., et al., “Evaluation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation prevalence, risk prediction models and a multistep testing approach in French‐Canadian families with high risk of breast and ovarian cancer” 44:2 (2007) Journal of Medical Genetics, 107-121.
Phillips, M.S., Joly, Y., Silverstein, T., Avard, D., “Consent in Pharmacogenomic Research” 5:2 (2007) GenEdit, 1-9 (également disponible en anglais).
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., Simard, J., Durocher, F., “The Emergence of an Ethical Duty to Disclose Genetic Research Results : international perspectives” 14:11 (2006) European Journal of Human Genetics, 1170-1178 (corrected 14:12 (2006), 1322).
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Pharmacogenomic Data Sample Collection and Storage: Ethical Issues and Policy Approaches” 7:2 (2006) Pharmacogenomics, 219-226.
Joly, Y., “Life Insurers' Access to Genetic Information: A Way out of the Stalemate” 14:3 (2006) Health Law Review, 14-21.
Joly, Y., Schorno, D., « Le brevet : valet ou maître du droit à la santé? » 19:2 (2006) Revue québécoise de droit international, 65-94.
Joly, Y., “Wind of Change: In Re Fisher and the Evolution of the American Biotechnology Patent Law” 24:1 (2006) Law in Context, 67-84.
Gold, E.R., Joly, Y., Caulfield, T., “Genetic Research Tools, the Research Exception and Open Science” 3:2 (2005) GenEdit 1 (également disponible en anglais).
Joly, Y., « Biotechnologies et brevets : le cas de la pharmacogénomique » 10:2 (2005) Lex Electronica, 1-134.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., Nguyen, M.T., “Stored tissue samples: Through the confidentiality maze” 5:1 (2005) The Pharmacogenomic Journal, 2-5.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “BRCA Gene Patents and the European Patent Office” 4:2 (Winter 2004) The Law and Bioethics Report, 6-8.
Lemmens, T., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Genetics and Life Insurance: A Comparative Analysis” 2:2 (2004) GenEdit, 1-15 (également disponible en anglais).
Joly, Y., « La pharmacogénomique: perspectives et enjeux éthico-juridiques » 9:3 (2004) Lex Electronica, 1-19.
Knoppers, B.M., Lemmens, T., Godard, B., Joly, Y., et al., “Genetics and Life Insurance in Canada: Points to Consider” 170:9 (2004) CMAJ, Online1-Online3 (également disponible en anglais).
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., “Physicians, Genetics and Life Insurance” 170:9 (2004) CMAJ, 1421-1423.
Joly, Y., « Accès aux médicaments: le système international des brevets empêchera-t-il les pays du tiers monde de bénéficier des avantages de la pharmacogénomique » 16 :1 (2003) Les cahiers de la propriété intellectuelle, 131-185.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., Godard, B., “Genetic Information and Life Insurance: a ‘Real’ Risk?” 11:8 (2003) European Journal of Human Genetics, 561-564.
Chapitre de livres
Brodie M, Joly Y, “DTC pharmacogenetic testing and health insurance: Good for health, good for business?” In Promoting the ‘Human’ in Law, Policy, and Medicine: Essays in Honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers Eds. E. Dove, V. Rahimzadeh, and M. Beauvais
Joly Y, “Le génome comme outil de recherche? principaux courants et enjeux nord-américains” in Hervé C, Knoppers BM, Molinari PA, Moutel G (eds), Place de la bioéthique en recherche et dans les services cliniques, Paris: Dalloz, 2005, 91-106.
Joly Y, Mbulu H, “L’utilisation des échantillons et de l’information des cadavres en recherche biomédicale : Perspectives québécoises et internationales” in Duguet AM, Fillippi I (eds), Séminaire d’actualité et de droit médical – Droit et éthique de la recherche médicale, Bordeaux: Les Études Hospitalières, 2005, 229-253.
Joly Y, “L’accès à l’information génétique contenu dans dossier médical par les assureurs sur la vie : un besoin de repositionner le débat” in Duguet AM, Fillippi I (eds), Séminaire d’actualité de droit médical – dossier médical et données médicales de santé : protection de la confidentialité, condition d’accès, échanges pour les soins et la recherche, Bordeaux: Les Études Hospitalière, 2007.
Knoppers BM, Joly Y, “La connaissance du génome : un instrument au service de l’humanité?” in Knoppers BM, Joly Y (eds), La santé et le bien commun, Montreal: Les Éditions Thémis, 2008, 249-275.
Silverstein T, Joly Y, Harmsen E, Knoppers BM for the GRID (Gene Regulators in Disease) Project, “The Commercialization of Genomic Academic Research: Conflicting Interests?” in Gold ER, Knoppers BM (eds), Biotechnology, IP & Ethics, Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2009, 131-163.
Joly Y, “Les aventures d’un juriste au pays de l’éthique de la recherche” in Jean M, Truddel P (eds), La malréglementation : Une éthique de la recherche est-elle possible et à quelles conditions?, Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2010, 41-50.
Ngueng Feze I, Joly Y, “Droit, médecine personnalisée et pharmacogénomique : à la recherche d’une parfaite alchimie” in Lalonde L (ed), Le droit, vecteur de la gouvernance en santé? Défis théoriques et enjeux pratiques, Sherbrooke (Qc): Les Éditions Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 2012, 261-296.
Özdemir V, Joly Y, Kirby E, Avard D, Knoppers BM, “Beyond ELSIs: Where to from Here? From “Regulating” to Anticipating and Shaping the Innovation Trajectory in Personalized Medicine” in Lam YW, Cavallari L (eds), Pharmacogenomics: Challenges and Opportunities in Therapeutic Implementation Elsevier, 2013, 405-428
Dove ES, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “International genomic cloud computing: ‘mining’ the terms of service”, in Cheung A, Weber R (eds), Privacy and Legal Issues in Cloud Computing, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 237-260.
Granados Moreno P, Joly Y, “Intellectual Property and Innovation in Translational Medicine”, in Wehling M (ed), Principles of Translational Science in Medicine. From Bench to Bedside, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, 281-297
Hétu M, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “Une relecture contemporaine du droit de retrait du consentement à la recherche à l’heure des biobanques” in Gautrais V (ed) Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Molinari, Éditions Thémis, 2018, 109-141.
Zawati MH, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “L’autonomie basée sur l’individualisme libéral: les limites dans le contexte des biobanques populationnelles” In Mélanges pour Christian Hervé, 2018, 279-293.
Brodie M, Joly Y, “DTC pharmacogenetic testing and health insurance: Good for health, good for business?” In Promoting the ‘Human’ in Law, Policy, and Medicine: Essays in Honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers Eds. E. Dove, V. Rahimzadeh, and M. Beauvais (forthcoming)
Joly Y, Dove E, Knoppers BM, Nicol D, "The GA4GH Regulatory and Ethics Work Stream (REWS) at 10: An Interdisciplinary, Participative Approach to International Policy Development in Genomics" In: Corrales Compagnucci, M., Minssen, T., Fenwick, M., Aboy, M., Liddell, K. (eds) The Law and Ethics of Data Sharing in Health Sciences. Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation. Springer, Singapore, 2024, 13-32.
Joly Y, Avard D, ‘’Pharmacogenomics: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues’’ In The Road from Nanomedicine to Precision Medicine, volume 4 of the Pan Stanford series on Nanomedicine, Mousa SA, Bawa R, Audette GF, eds. (Jenny Standford Publishing), 2020, 791-828.
Pinkesz M, Marrocco G, Joly Y, Zawati MH, “Re-examining the Canadian law of informed consent to medical treatment in the age of informatics” in T. Vansweevelt & N. Glover-Thomas, eds., Informed Consent and Health: A Comparative Analysis (United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing), 2020, 32-73.
Gallois H, Zawati M, Knoppers BM, Nabi H, Simard J, Dorval M, Joly Y, “Un pays – Une perspective canadienne de l’éthique en oncogénétique” dans Combe D, Lelouvier M, Regards croisés sur l’éthique en oncogénétique, AVENIR MASFIP (Recherche et accompagnement en oncogénétique), 2021, 64- 68.
Joly Y., Marrocco G, Xu H, “La propriété et le commerce du matériel biologique et des données génétiques en droit Québécois: loin des yeux, loin du corps’’ dans Mélanges Robert P. Kouri. Éditions Yvons Blais, 2022, 65-100.
Joly Y, Avard D, ‘’Pharmacogenomics: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues’’ In The Road from Nanomedicine to Precision Medicine, volume 4 of the Pan Stanford series on Nanomedicine Bawa, Mousa & Audette eds. (Jenny Standford Publishing, 2020) 791-817.
Joly Y, Marrocco G, “Regulating the Use of Genetic Testing by Insurers and Employers in the Province of Quebec: Is the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act Really Necessary?” In Khoury L, Blackett A and Vanhonnaeker L, Genetic Testing and the Governance of Risk in the Contemporary Economy (Springer), 2020, 269-292.
Gallois H, Joly, Y, Gautrais V, “Invigorating the Principles of Consent and Data Privacy in the Medical Field through Gamification and Genome Donation” In Herveg J, Deep Diving into Data Protection, 1979-2019: Celebrating 40 Years of Privacy and Data Protection at the CRIDS, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2021, 409-432.
Pinkesz M, Joly Y, “The Governance Framework of North American Biobanks: A Rapidly Evolving Policy Patchwork”. In Xavier Bios et Anna Pigeon Eds. Public Regulation of Tumor Banks, France: Springer International, 2018 , 141-164.
Pinkesz M, Joly Y, "Gouvernance des Tumorothèques: Tendances Internationales'' dans Xavier Bios et Anna Pigeon Eds. Régulation publique des centres de ressources biologiques en cancérologie, 2017 (Les études hospitalières, à paraitre).
Zawati MH, Joly Y, Knoppers BM. ''L'autonomie basée sur l'individualisme libéral: les limites dans le contexte des biobanques populationnelles''. In Mélanges pour Christian Hervé, 2018, 279-293.
Joly Y, Pinkesz M, Saulnier K.M., “Sharing data to improve the health of Canadians: What are the stakes?” In Health Law at the Frontiers 2nd ed.; Eds. Lara Khoury & Catherine Régis, 2018, 173-199.
Hétu M, Joly Y, Knoppers BM, “Une relecture contemporaine du droit de retrait du consentement à la recherche à l’heure des biobanques” in Gautrais V (ed) Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Molinari, Éditions Thémis, 2018, 109-141.
Dove, E.S., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “International genomic cloud computing – ‘Mining’ the Terms of Service”, dans CHEUNG, A., WEBER, R. (eds), Privacy and Legal Issues in Cloud Computing, R.-U. : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 237-260.
Ngueng Feze, I., Salman, S., Joly Y., “Implications for Health and Life Insurances and Other Legal Aspects of Genetic Testing”, dans SCHNEIDER, S.A., BRÁS, J.M.T. (eds), Movement Disorder Genetics, Suisse : Springer International Publishing, 2015, 499-519.
Granados Moreno, P., Joly, Y., “Intellectual Property Rights in Translation”, dans WEHLING, M. (ed.), Principles of Translational Science in Medicine. From Bench to Bedside, 2ième Édition, Oxford : Elsevier, 2015, 281-295.
Joly, Y., Kim, R., Salman, S. & Ngueng Feze, I., “The use of Genetic Information Outside of the Therapeutic Health Relationship: An International Perspective”, dans QUINN, G., DE PAOR, A, BLANCK P. (eds), Genetic Discrimination Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response, Oxford : Routledge, 2014, 68-95.
Rahimzadeh, V., Joly, Y., & Knoppers, B.M., “Introduction”, dans JOLY, Y. et KNOPPERS, B.M. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics, Oxon : Routledge, 2014, 1-7.
Dalpé, G. et Joly, Y., “Towards precision medicine: the legal and ethical challenges of pharmacogenomics”, dans JOLY, Y. et KNOPPERS, B.M. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics, Oxon : Routledge, 2014, 339-366.
Ozdemir, V., Joly, Y., Kirby, E., Avard, D., Knoppers, BM., “Beyond ELSIs - Where to From Here? From ‘Regulators’ to Anticipating and Shaping the Innovation Trajectory in Personalized Medicine” dans Lam Y.W. et CAVALLARI, L. (eds), Pharmacogenomics: Challenges and Opportunities in Therapeutic Implementation Elsevier, 2013, 371-401.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., “Ethics and Genetics” dans MALOY, Stanley et HUGHES, Kelly (eds), Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2ième Édition, Vol. 2, Elsevier : Oxford, 2013, 528-530.
Joly, Y., Avard, D., “Pharmacogenomics: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues” dans Vizirianakis, I.S. (ed.), Handbook of Personalized Medicine: Advances in Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery and Therapy, Singapore : Pan Stanford Publishing 2013, 813-844.
Ngueng Feze, I., Joly, Y., « Droit, médecine personnalisée et pharmacogénomique : à la recherche d’une parfaite alchimie » dans LALONDE, L., Le droit, vecteur de la gouvernance en santé? Défis théoriques et enjeux pratiques, Sherbrooke (Qc.) : Les Éditions Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 2012, 261-296.
Joly, Y., « Propriété intellectuelle et modèles de collaboration ouverte » dans MOYSE, P.-E. (ed.) JurisClasseur Québec Propriété Intellectuelle Montréal : LexisNexis Canada, 2012, 3/1-3/38.
Joly, Y., Hemmings, F., “Bilski v. Kappos and biotechnology patents: Back to the future?” dans RIMMER, M., McLENNAN, A. (eds), Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies: The New Biology, Cheltenham (U.K.) et Northampton (Mass.) : Edward Elger Publishing, 2012.
Caulfield, T., Joly, Y., “Human Gene Patents and Genetic Testing” dans PATRINOS, George, ANSORGE, Wilhelm (eds), Molecular Diagnostics 2ième éd., Burlington : Academic Press, 2010, 399-408.
Joly, Y., « Les aventures d’un juriste en terre étrangère » dans S. JEAN, Michèle et TRUDEL, Pierre (eds), La malréglementation : Une éthique de la recherche est-elle possible et à quelles conditions?, Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2010, 41-50.
Silverstein, T., Joly, Y., Harmsen, E., Knoppers, B.M. for the GRID (Gene Regulators in Disease) Project, “The Commercialization of Academic Research in Genomics: Conflicting Interests?” dans GOLD, E.R. et KNOPPERS, B.M. (eds), Biotechnology,IP & Ethics, Markham : LexisNexis Canada, 2009, 131-163.
Joly, Y., “Genetic Research Tools: Recent trends and future outlook” dans GOLD, E.R., KNOPPERS, B. M. (eds), Biotechnology IP & Ethics, Markham : LexisNexis Canada, 2009, 39-57.
Joly, Y., “Intellectual Property and the “Right” to Health in the Age of Biomedicine”, dans DUGUET, A.-M., FILIPPI, I., HERVEG, J. (eds), Séminaire d’actualité de droit medical - Accès aux transplantations d’organes et de tissus en Europe et droits aux soins en Europe, Bordeaux : Les Études Hospitalières, 2009, 119-131.
Joly, Y., « L’utilisation des ressources biologiques humaines et le partage des avantages: à la recherche d’un nouvel équilibre » dans BELLIVIER, F., NOIVILLE, C. (eds), La Bioéquité: Batailles autour du partage du vivant, Paris : Éditions Autrement, 2009, 39-50.
Rothstein, M.A., Joly, Y., “Genetic Information and Insurance Underwriting: Contemporary Issues and Approaches in the Global Economy Insurance”, dans ATKINSON, P., GLASNER, P. & LOCK, M. (eds), Property and Privacy, Handbook of Genetics and Society Mapping the New Genomic Era, New York : Routledge, 2008, 127-144.
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., « La connaissance du génome : un instrument au service de l’humanité? » dans KNOPPERS, B.M., JOLY, Y. (eds), La santé et le bien commun, Montreal : Les Éditions Thémis, 2008, 249-275.
Joly, Y., “Open Source Biotechnology: Refocusing the Debate” dans SUDARSHAN, N. (ed.), Biotechnology a Legal Approach, Punjagutta : The Icfai University Press, 2008, 40-75.
Joly, Y., « L’accès à l’information génétique contenu dans le dossier médical par les assureurs sur la vie : un besoin de repositionner le débat » dans DUGUET, A.M., FILIPPI, I. (eds), Séminaire d’actualité de droit médical – dossier médical et données médicales de santé : protection de la confidentialité, condition d’accès, échanges pour les soins et la recherche, Partie II – Les données de santé, Bordeaux : Les Études Hospitalières, 2007.
Joly, Y., Mbulu, H., « L’accès aux échantillons tissulaires des patients décédés pour la recherche en génétique humaine » dans DUGUET, A.M., FILIPPI, I. (eds), Séminaire d’actualité et de droit médical – Le respect du corps humain pendant la vie et après la mort : Droit, éthique, et culture, Bordeaux : Les Études Hospitalières, 2005, 229-253.
Simard, J., Joly Y., et al., « Les enjeux éthiques du partage des résultats de recherche : L’expérience d’INHERIT BRCAs » dans PHILIPS-NOOTENS, S., GODARD, B., KNOPPERS, B.M. & RÉGNIER, M.-H. (eds), La recherche en génétique et en génomique : droits et responsabilités, Montréal : Les Éditions Thémis, 2005, 103-139.
Joly, Y., « Le génome comme outil de recherche? principaux courants et enjeux nord-américain » dans HERVÉ, C., KNOPPERS, B.M., MOLINARI, P.A., MOUTEL, G. (eds), Place de la bioéthique en recherche et dans les services cliniques, Paris : Dalloz, 2005, 91-106.
Joly Y, “La protection de l’information génétique dans la recherche en pharmacogénétique et en pharmacogénomique” in Duguet AM (ed), Séminaire d’actualité et de droit médical – Droit et éthique de la recherche médicale, Bordeaux: Les Études Hospitalière, 2004, 155-169.
Knoppers, B.M., Godard, B., Joly, Y., “A Comparative International Overview”, dans ROTHSTEIN, M. (ed.), Genetics and Life Insurance: Medical Underwriting and Social Policy, Cumberland : The MIT Press, 2004, 173-194.
Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., (eds), Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics, Oxon : Routledge, 2014, 480p.
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., (eds), La santé et le bien commun, Montréal : Les Éditions Thémis, 2008, 275p.
Rapports et autres publications
Joly Y, “La Loi S-201 visant à interdire et à prévenir la discrimination génétique : contexte et positionnement stratégique à la lumière des autres approches internationales (2018)”, Expert Report for the Ministry of Justice, Government of Canada.
Liu H, Kondrup E, Joly Y, “The Ethical Issues Associated with the Use of Genetic Ancestry in Genomics Research: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Literature Review” (2024)
Uberoi D, Y Joly, “Canada’s Genetic Non-Discrimination Act has only had a limited impact on the use of genetic information by Canadian life insurers” (2024) The Conversation, 20 Feb 2024
Knoppers BM, Chase S, Joly Y, Zawati M.H, Thorogood A, “International Genomic Data Sharing by Health Technologies Industries: Points to Consider”. (2023), Zenodo
Joly Y, “Genetic Discrimination and the Ghost Of Future Past” 360info, 28 February 2023
REWS (including Y. Joly), “Framework for Involving and Engaging Participants, Patients and Publics in Genomics Research and Health Implementation” (2021)
REWS DACReS working group (including Y. Joly), “Data Access Committee Review Standards (DACReS) Policy” (2021)
REWS “Genetic Discrimination working group (including Y. Joly), Genetic Discrimination: Implications for Data Sharing Projects” (GeDI) (2022)
Joly Y, “Global Governance of Genomic Data: A Dynamic Ecosystem to Promote the Development of Precision Medicine” (2022) The Canadian Science Policy Magazine.
Anya E R, P, Dalpé G, and Joly Y, “The Genetic Discrimination Observatory: A Key Global Resource in Addressing Genetic Discrimination.” Accessed 15 December 2022.
Dalpé G, Cheung K, and Joly Y, “Opportunities and challenges of using epigenetic technologies in defence and security contexts”, Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS), Montreal, Canada: Department of National Defence, 5 April 2022.
Faraji SE, Liu H, Dauge A, Kaiser B, Granados-Moreno P. & Joly Y, ‘’A Comparative Review of Data Sharing Regulations and Practices in Four Jurisdictions (Australia, France, United Kingdom, United States)’’ CanCOGeN project, Genome Canada, 4 April 2022.
M.E. D’Amato, Y. Joly, V. Lynch, H. Machado, N. Scudder, M. Zieger, ‘’Ethical Recommendations for Forensic Genetic Frequency Databases’’ 2022
Joly Y, Liu H., and Ma’n Z, on behalf of the CanCoGeN Data Sharing Group, “CanCOGeN Pan-Canadian Experience in Data Sharing: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Road Ahead”, Genome Canada, Ottawa, 2022.
Bernier A, Liu H, McDougall R, Joly Y, “Law and Policy of Public Health Information Sharing in Canada” (2021) A Report to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Centre of Genomics and Policy, Montreal, Canada, 102.
Murtagh MJ, Machirori M, Gaff CL, Blell MT, de Vries J, Doerr M, Dove ES, Duncanson A, Hastings Ward J, Hendricks-Sturrup R, Ho CWL, Johns A, Joly Y, Kato K, Katsui K, Kumuthini J, Matshaba M, Mulrine S, Patch C, Ryan R, Viney W, “Engaged genomic science produces better and fairer outcomes” (2021) Wellcome Open Research, 9.
Beauvais M, Ordish I, Joly Y, et al. "Responsible Data Sharing to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethical and Legal Considerations" (2020) Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.
Song L, Joly Y, ‘‘The first gene-edited baby in the world: Will Chinese review its regulatory framework for gene-editing technology?‘’ (2019) Juriste International, 47.
Joly Y, ‘‘The strongest defence against genetic discrimination’’ BioNews 18 June 2018
Joly Y, Dalpé G, ‘’ Vers une discrimination génétique au Canada?’’ Opinions Droit Inc. 2019-03-19
Marroco G., Joly Y. ‘’Understanding the dangers of genetic testing in immigration’’ CBA National, 27 September 2018.
Joly Y, Dupras C, Ngueng Feze I, Song L. Genetic Discrimination in Québec - A Flexible and Proactive Approach to Address a Complex Social Issue (Genome Quebec & Centre of Genomics and Policy, Montreal, 2017) (Also available in French).
Joly, Y., Song L., Ngueng-Feze, I., Knoppers, B.M., Normative Approaches to Address Genetic Discrimination: Placebo or Panacea? SSRN, 2017.
Joly Y., Médecine Personnalisée, quels sont les véritables enjeux éthiques? (Paris, Sénat France)
Genome Canada, Genome Canada Data Release and Sharing Policies, 2016
Sénécal K, et al. (including Joly Y), Consolidated Statement of Principles, Quebec Network of Applied Genetic Medicine (RMGA), 2016.
Hansson, M., […] Joly, Y., et al. Global Alliance for Genomics and Health : Accountability Policy (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, 2015).
Joly Y, Knoppers BM, Biologiste Infos, Médecine personnalisée et inégalités de santé, February-March 2015: 12-13.
Hansson M, et al. (including Joly Y), Accountability Policy, Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, 2015.
Ngueng Feze, I., Salman, S., Joly, Y., Knoppers, B.M., Submission to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs regarding Bill S-201, An Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination, Centre de génomique et politiques, Montréal, 9 juin 2014.
JOLY, Y., LIVINGSTON, A., DOVE, E., Moving Beyond Commercialization: Strategies to Maximize the Economic and Social Impact of Genomic Research, Ottawa, Genome Canada, 2012 (également disponible en anglais).
Joly, Y. “Personalized Medicine: Not a sprint, but a relay” The GenoScape, 14 December 2011.
Ngueng Feze, I., Joly Y., Zawati, M., et Knoppers, B.M., “Genomic Population Biobanks: Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects”, Paris, UIA, 2011.
Joly, Y., Tassé, A.M., Dove, E., Balancing Privacy Protections with Open, Collaborative, Biomedical Research: Implications for Updating the CIHR Privacy Best Practices Document, Ottawa, CIHR, 2011.
Gold, R., Joly, Y., “The Patent System and Research Freedom: A Comparative Study”, Geneva, WIPO, 2010.
Knoppers, B.M., Joly, Y., General Problems Related to the Collection and Processing of Health Related Information for Insurance Purposes Including those which are Specific to Predictive Health Data CDBI-CO-GT4 (2010) 6REV, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2010.
Bently, L., […] Joly, Y., et al., “Exclusions from Patentability and Exceptions and Limitations to Patentees’ Rights”, Genève, WIPO, 2010.
Bubela, T., […], Joly, Y., Evidence and Background Information to Inform Canada’s Approach to Public Health and Intellectual Property Issues in International Fora, Montreal, TIP, 2010, Submission to Health Canada’s International Affairs Directorate (IAD).
Gold, E.R., […], Joly, Y., At the intersection of health and intellectual property: Issues, tools and directions for Health Canada, Montreal, TIP, 2010, Submission to Health Canada Bioethics, Innovation and Policy Integration Division.
Frank, C., […] Joly, Y., Making an Impact: A Preferred Framework and Indicators to Measure Returns on Investment in Health Research, Ottawa: Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, 2009, (également disponible en anglais).
Joly, Y., The Toronto Data Release Workshop, Ottawa, Genome Canada, 2009.
Joly, Y., “The Transfer of Technologies towards a Personalized Approach”, (automne 2008) Discover 4 (également disponible en anglais).
Mgillivray, B., […] Joly, Y., et al., Options for Improving Public Access to Information on Health Products Clinical Trials in Canada, Ottawa, Health Canada, 2007 (également disponible en anglais).
Joly, Y., Sillon, G., Knoppers, B.M., « La pharmacogénomique : nouveaux médicaments, nouvelles responsabilités? » dans DUFORT, F. & A-L. SAIVES (dir.), Le médicament : conception, production et consommation : perspectives interdisciplinaires pour un avenir commun, Montréal : GEIRSO, 2006.
Sillon, G., Joly, Y., Regard Éthico-Juridique sur la pharmacogénomique perspectives et enjeux, Compte rendu du XVIème, Congrès Mondial de droit médical, 2006.
Joly, Y., Integra v. Merck: The Resurrection of the American Research Exemption?, Montreal, Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, 2005.
Joly, Y., “Insurance Companies Should Abandon Their Defensive Approach” 25(9) (2005) The Lawyers Weekly, 14.
Gold, R., Carbone, J., Joly, Y., Sheremeta, L., Cloutier, M., Knoppers, B.M., Caulfield, T., Recommendations for Canadian Genetic Patents and Health Care: An International Comparison of Patent Regimes of Canada and its Major Trading Partners, Montréal: Centre for Intellectual Property Policy.
Godard, B., Joly, Y., Pratte, A., Avard, D., Boucratie, N., Knoppers, B.M., Genetic Information and Privacy in the Workplace, Ottawa: Human Resources Development Canada, 2003.